Water Career Panel
Water Industry professionals from INAWWA and IWEA, Purdue University faculty and almost 30 students attended the AQUAE (Purdue student chapter of INAWWA and IWEA) callout and Water Career Panel on September 27, 2018. Pizza and refreshments were enjoyed by all.
Andres Valero, President of AQUAE, Purdue University shared a presentation to the group siting the many upcoming challenges in the Water industry.
Faculty and industry professional were allowed the opportunity to share their education, experience and career advice, including the importance and benefits of being involved in professional organizations, such INAWWA and IWEA.
Students were allowed the opportunity to ask panel members additional insight into their areas of experience and offer career advice.
Following the event, Andres Valero expressed his appreciation to faculty and industry professionals for participation on the Water Career Panel, believed it was an enriching event for the Purdue student's community, and the Panel was a successful starting point for their organization.
Andres also noted, “students were very glad to have the opportunity to interact with professionals from the Water sector. I hope our organization became a truthful representation of the values of IWEA and INAWWA, and encourage students pursuing careers on the water sector.”