Trouble Paying Your Bill?
At Citizens Energy Group, we provide essential services that help make a house a home, including natural gas, water, and wastewater. We understand that utility bills can be a financial challenge for some of our customers. Here, you can find information about resources available from Citizens, as well as federal and local assistance programs that can help you pay your bill.
Tip: Most assistance program eligibility is based on household income. Knowing your total income for the past three months will help you determine which programs may be right for you.
Getting started: The federal Energy Assistance Program (EAP) is the best first step for many residents seeking assistance with their utility bills. While other programs may also be available, they often ask for the results of an EAP application. Learn more about getting started with the EAP below.
Quick Reference Guides
Much of the information on this webpage has been personalized for the 2023-2024 winter season and made available in a single PDF, translated into various languages.
Under the banner of Utilities Unite for Customers, these PDF reference guides also include electric utility information from AES Indiana (a separate utility from Citizens Energy Group) in an effort to provide all Central Indiana utility assistance information in a single resource.
If you or a neighbor need a quick guide to financial assistance programs this winter, the PDFs here may be helpful to share in digital or print versions.
Energy Assistance Program
The Energy Assistance Program ("EAP") is a federally funded, one-time benefit program that can assist you with the cost of home utilities and can help if you are disconnected or are about to get disconnected. EAP is also referred to as the federal Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (“LIHEAP”).
If you are approved for EAP assistance at the federal level, you will automatically receive from Citizens: a 10-25% discount on your natural gas bill (described at Citizens as the Universal Service Program) as well as a credit of $6-15 on your Citizens wastewater bill (also described as the Low-Income Customer Assistance Program ["LICAP"]).
Schedule a phone appointment to complete your EAP application at 317-559-7016, or else start the process at the link below:
When can I apply for EAP?
Important EAP Dates
• October 2, 2023: Online and mail-in applications now accepted.
• May 20, 2024: Last day to submit an application deadline. -
Who qualifies for EAP?
Indiana EAP Income Eligibility
Household size
To qualify for EAP, a household's last three months’ income total must be less than: 1
Apply for EAP to Avoid Utility Disconnection:
It can take several weeks to be approved or denied for EAP, but having the completed EAP application will keep you from experiencing a utility shut-off during Indiana’s winter disconnection moratorium period, December 1, 2023 - March 15, 2024. Proof of application submission or approval letter must be submitted to AES Indiana by emailing and Citizens Energy Group by calling 317-924-3311 for your account to be held from disconnection during the moratorium period.
Learn more about Winter Shutoff Moratorium here:
OUCC: Winter Moratorium
Additional Assistance Programs
Winter Assistance Fund (WAF)
Championed by the United Way of Central Indiana, the Winter Assistance Fund (WAF) is for Marion County residents who struggle with utility bills but don’t qualify for EAP. Find an application site near you at
You can also call 211 to learn more about which local sites are accepting applications.
When can I apply for WAF?
The application period for the Winter Assistance Fund is from January 1, 2024 – May 30, 2024
Who qualifies for WAF?
Regardless of WAF approval or denial, you can still apply for AES Indiana’s Power of Change and assistance from Citizens’ Warm Heart Warm Home Foundation™.
WAF Income Eligibility Range
Household size
To qualify for WAF, a household's last three months’ income total must be between:
$7,438 - $8,199
$9,727 - $11,091
$12,016 - $13,983
$14,305 - $16,875
$16,594 - $19,764
$18,883 - $22,656
Warm Heart Warm Home Foundation™
The Warm Heart Warm Home Foundation™ (WHWH) is Citizens’ nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to customers having difficulty paying their utility bills. WHWH grants can help customers sustain their utility services and catch up on past-due bills.
Apply by calling Citizens at 317-924-3311.
Who qualifies for WHWH?
WHWH Income Eligibility
Household size
To qualify for WHWH in winter 2023-2024, a household's last three months’ income total must be between:
$7,440 - $8,679
$9,729 - $11,349
$12,018 - $14,020
$14,307 - $16,690
$16,596 - $19,361
$18,885 - $22,532
Where can I learn more?
To apply for WHWH, give us a call at 317-924-3311. Or click here to learn more about the Foundation.
Community Assistance Programs
There are many community resources that provide assistance to those in need.
Why should I contact Indiana 211?
What is the IHCDA?
The Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (ICHDA) provides a variety of assistance programs, some of them designed specifically for senior citizens and persons with disabilities.
Where are the community centers for assistance?
Community Alliance of the Far Eastside (CAFE)
8902 E. 38th St.
317-890-3288Concord Neighborhood Center
1310 S. Meridian St.
317-637-4376Edna Martin Christian Center
2605 E. 25th St.
317-637-3776John Boner Community Center
2236 E. 10th St.
317-633-8210Jewish Family Services
6905 Hoover Rd.
317-259-6822Lawrence Township Trustee
4455 McCoy St.
317-890-0011MLK Center
40 W. 40th St.
2855 N. Keystone Ave.
317-612-6800Pike Township Trustee
5665 Lafayette Rd.
317-291-5801Warren Township Trustee
501 N. Post Rd.
317-327-8947Washington Township Trustee
5302 N. Keystone Ave.
Citizens Assistance & Billing Programs
Citizens Energy Group provides other tools and grants to help customers manage their bill. Work with our Customer Support team to develop a payment plan that best suits your needs and helps you catch up on your bill.
How can I set up a payment plan?
Qualifying customers who are behind on bills can make arrangements and avoid service disconnection by signing up for flexible payment options.
How do I enroll in Budget Billing?
Know what you owe every month. Budget Billing balances your payments across 12 months, so you’ll avoid variations from month to month, regardless of usage.
How do I apply for Citizens assistance?
The Warm Heart Warm Home Foundation™ is Citizens nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to customers having difficulty paying their utility bills. Warm Heart Warm Home grants can help customers sustain their utility services and catch up on past-due bills.
Citizens Warm Heart Warm Home Foundation™ is a registered 501(c)(3) organization that provides one-time grants to customers in need.
Grants are funded by donations from individuals and local corporations.