Utility Safety
Citizens considers the safety of its customers and employees a top priority. If you have any safety-related questions, please call us at (317) 924-3311.
If You Smell Gas
Natural gas has an odor similar to rotten eggs so that even the smallest leaks can be detected. Follow these steps if you smell gas at your home or business:
Do not turn on any lights or use the telephone.
Ensure everyone leaves the home/building immediately. Use a telephone away from the building to call Citizens at (317) 924-3311.
Reporting Water Leaks and Water Emergencies
If you need to report a water leak or other water emergency, please call (317) 924-3311 immediately.
Water emergencies include, but are not limited to:
Water main breaks/leaks/damages
Hydrant damages
Water theft
Emergency service disconnection/turn off