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Cast Iron Gas Main Replacement

In 2023, Citizens Energy Group (Citizens) secured funding from a Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization (NGDISM) grant administered by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). The $7.5 million grant will allow Citizens to replace the last 4 miles of cast-iron distribution main in our 4,000-mile gas system with more reliable plastic or protected steel pipes. This upgrade will reduce the potential for emissions, improving public safety and public health outcomes for adjacent neighborhoods.

Construction will be accomplished in seven phases, with overall completion expected in 2027. The first phase will begin along Rural Street in 2024. Our upcoming construction will be completed with directional boring technology to minimize impact on our customers. Additionally, we do not anticipate any gas service disruptions during work. Traffic controls will be necessary, in limited areas, to ensure a safe work zone for our crews. Motorists should exercise caution and follow all posted signage. We know construction is never without its challenges, and your patience is appreciated.

Cast Iron Gas Main Replacement Projects

Current Project Areas

Completed Project Areas




Rural St. from 37th St. to 30th St.

Rural St. from Roosevelt Ave. to Brookside Parkway N. Dr.

Rural St. between Fall Creek Parkway to 37th St.


Contact the Cast Iron Replacement Team

Use this form for questions regarding the projects listed above.