Where’s My Tech
If you schedule an appointment with Citizens that requires someone to be present when we arrive, our Where’s My Tech feature lets you track the technician assigned to your service order.
We’ll send you an email and/or text notification (based on contact information you provided) when the technician is dispatched and include a link to view their map location in real-time along with their photo and arrival time.
Feature Benefits
Convenience – track exactly where technicians are and when to meet them.
Safety – know who will be coming to your home or business and what that person looks like.
Reliability – receive expert service from our locally owned and operated utility.
Only scheduled appointments requiring the presence of someone over age 18 are eligible for Where’s My Tech notifications. Examples of eligible appointments include move-in, start service, and new connection orders.
Other Alerts and Notifications
Take advantage of all of our alerts and notifications and access your account information any time on any device. Select which alerts you want to receive and choose how you get them: email, text or voice. Our message types include the following:
Paperless Bill – notification that your statement is ready.
Usage Alerts – indication of high or unusual consumption.
Payment Due – upcoming and past due payment dates.
Payment Posted – confirmation of payment processed.
Account Notifications – budget, disconnect messages.
Service Notifications – orders, appointment reminders, and outages.
Click the button below to learn more.

Real-Time Tracking
Where’s My Tech allows you track the Citizens technician assigned to your appointment in real-time, along with their photo and arrival time.