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High Pressure

Most Common Cause: High pressure concerns result in locations in close proximity to one of Citizens pump stations, or at a lower elevation than the surrounding area. In general, the closer the home is to a pump station and the lower the elevation, the higher pressure will be, and vice versa.

Recommended Action: Installation of a pressure reducing valve by a plumbing expert is commonly recommended. To identify whether an installed pressure reducing valve already exists in the home, look for a typically bell-shaped object (See picture below) located near the main shut-off valve to the home. If a pressure reducing valve is already installed, then it may need to be adjusted to the appliance manufacturer's recommended pressure setting, or replaced by a plumbing expert.

Typical Pressure Reducing Valve.

After taking the above listed actions, if the concern was not resolved, please open a case to be contacted by a Customer Case Manager.

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