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Construction Heat Application

The following guidelines for construction heat have been developed from current local codes. Questions regarding these guidelines should be directed to the New Services Department at 317-927-4444.
Guidelines For Construction Heat

  1. All piping systems must be in accordance with all applicable state and local codes and follow acceptable pipe installation practices

  2. Gas hose must be protected from damage and at least 10’ long, but no longer than 25’

  3. Flexible gas hose shall be provided with gas shut off valves in readily accessible locations in rigid piping systems upstream from the flexible hose

  4. At the appliance connection, the connection must be made as follows: valve, nipple, union, the appliance

  5. At least one temporary construction heater that is listed or approved must be installed prior to service being initiated

  6. Any regulator used for construction heat shall be vented to open atmosphere, if not designed by the manufacturer to be used with an approved leak limiting device

Construction Site Heating Application