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Saving Water at Home

There are several simple actions you can add to your daily routine that can help you to conserve water. Making minor adjustments to your household activities can have a major impact on your water bill and the environment. 


  • Run your dishwasher only when you have a full load of dirty dishes. 
  • Don't use running water to thaw food. Let it thaw in the refrigerator or use the defrost option on your microwave when applicable. 
  • When you finish a drink, put the leftover ice on your plants. 
  • When rinsing fruits and vegetables, collect the water and use it to water your plants. 
  • Install a faucet aerator in your kitchen faucet. 


  • Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or shaving. 
  • Take a shower instead of a bath. If you take a bath, only fill your tub halfway. 
  • Take shorter showers; try to keep them to just five minutes. 
  • Don't flush tissues; throw them away instead. One flush uses a minimum of 1.28 gallons of water. 
  • Turn the water off when shampooing/conditioning your hair. 
  • Install a low-flow toilet. 
  • Install a low-flow showerhead. 
  • Install a faucet aerator in your bathroom faucet. 

Utility Room 

  • Run your washing machine only when you have a full load of laundry. 
  • Transfer clothes from the washer to the dryer as soon as possible to avoid having to rewash. 

Yard Work 

  • Don't use a hose to clean your driveway, patio, or sidewalk. Instead, use a broom. 
  • Use permeable surfaces, like bricks and pavers, for patios and pathways. This helps to decrease stormwater runoff. 
  • Use a shutoff nozzle on your hose. 
  • Position sprinklers so they only water your yard. Avoid placing them where they may water driveways, streets and sidewalks. 
  • Plant water efficient trees, plants and flowers when landscaping. This saves both water and time. 


  • Use a pool/spa cover. This helps to keep evaporation loss low and also naturally warms the water. It can also help to reduce the use of chemicals as it reduces evaporation and algae growth. 
  • If your pool is heated, lowering the temperature can also help to reduce evaporation. Warmer water evaporates more quickly. 
  • When possible, try to minimize water loss due to splashing. Lowering the water level can help with this. 

Other Useful Tips 

  • Take your car to a commercial car wash that recycles water. 
  • If you prefer to wash your car at home, wash it on grass, gravel or some other permeable surface. This allows you to water your lawn and also helps prevent the soapy water from entering our storm drains. 
  • Use a rain barrel to collect runoff rainwater. Then, use the collected water to water your lawn and landscaping. 
  • Know where the master water shutoff valve is to your home. In the event of a water emergency, turning off this valve can conserve water, save you money, and also prevent further damage. 
  • Routinely check your pipes and faucets for leaks. 
  • Teach your children and others in your home ways to conserve water. 
  • Conduct a home water audit and learn where you can conserve more water.